Old Forest School Wedding Venue has featured in a number of magazines, newspapers and blogs over the past few months. Here’s just a small sampling of the beautiful photographs that have been captured at Old Forest School.
People have written some lovely words about Old Forest School like…
Held at the amazing venue of Old Forest School in the Bay of Plenty there is so much to love about this celebration… it’s one of those ones you only wish you were privileged enough attend!!
See more at: http://magnoliarouge.com/old-forest-school-wedding-by-anna-kidman/
When I stumbled across this unique Bay of Plenty venue, I instantly fell in love. Having always dreamt of converting a piece of New Zealand history into a homely yet quirky home, the Old Forest School mesmerised me like a school girl holding hands with her first ever crush. Shucks.
See more at: http://paperandlace.com/2013/05/to-cool-for-school-the-ultimate-bay-of-plenty-wedding-venue/
Booking Old Forest School for the venue was the easiest decision of all for Emily & Matt… it oozes quaintness from the minute you first arrive and they were smitten with it.
See more at: http://magnoliarouge.com/old-forest-school-wedding-by-ivy-gold-photography
The wedding was at Old Forest School in Pongakawa Valley, a restored old school with so much character.
See more at: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/viva-magazine/news/
Old Forest School in the Bay of Plenty looks like one of the most charming venues ever to get married in.
See more at: http://magnoliarouge.com/old-forest-school-shoot-by-courtney-horwood/
There are lots more photos on our Photos Page.