A unique wedding venue and a unique photographer.

Many of you will have met our Rose, the 12 year old resident of Old Forest School. A unique wedding venue needs a unique photographer and she very much fits the bill!

Rose LOVES to take photos, she also loves watching others take photos. Just happens we have a lot of photographers popping by which is pretty super for her. She also has the loan of a whizzy camera at the moment which she is loving. Her images have even got her a role as second camera for a wedding next year ! She is bursting with pride and excitement. Nothing comes close to the thrill she gets reading comments people post on FB about her work. Too cool that this little girl so casually talks about wedding photography heavyweights like Claire from Wildwood, Maree Wilkinson etc as her friends.

Rose hopes to work with film for ever and a day, movies being the ultimate goal. We think she’s doing just great already. Anyone planning on getting Peter Jackson to do a little something at Old Forest School ? We occasionally post her photos on Facebook but been promising to pop more on a blog post so here goes…..for you our lovely Rose xoxoxo

Old Forest School mist trees


Old Forest School mist


Old Forest School mist tree